Product updates
As an entrepreneur, you want to do what you do best; growing a kickass company with a kickass corporate culture.
Our blog will help you build a ‘great place to work’! Hooray!
Product updates
Sneak preview Workflows 2.0: easier management of your company processes
Product updates
Product update: Generate documents based on templates
Product updates
Product Wrap-Up: time zones, digital signing, template duplication, and more!
Product updates
Improved document categories and user rights
Product updates
Roadmap Update: Feedback, digital signing and soon Document Generation & Workflows 2.0
Product updates
Sneak preview: document generator, configurable permissions and free digital signing
Product updates
Product update: digital signing now available for everyone!
Product updates
New: configure permissions in profile notes!
Product updates
New: assign administrator rights for specific features
Product updates
A fully fledged digital personnel file: more capabilities with extra fields!
Product updates
New: improve your team using 360-degree feedback!
Product updates
Extension of our time feature: clocking in and out with HoorayHR
Product updates
Nmbrs integration: 6 important improvements
Product updates
New employment feature: employment terms and salary overviews
Product updates
Mutation reports: history of all changes for your payroll administration!
Product updates
New profile page design
Product updates
Export files enhanced
Product updates
Contracts feature: 4 improvements
Product updates
New: Access to contracts, salaries, and documents for team leaders
Product updates
HoorayHR launches new integration store
Product updates