hr analytics

Company insights with
HR analytics

Keep a grip on the growth of your company and know what is going on. Keep track of leave allowances and absenteeism percentages and hours. HoorayHR makes all of it transparent with HR analytics for employees, teams and your company.

  • All data at your fingertips!
  • Easy to compile yourself!
  • HR analytics for making well-informed decisions

Take the 14-day free trialSchedule a demo

Eva Izeboud
"HoorayHR reports enable me to quickly view the absenteeism percentage of this quarter, for example, so I don't have to calculate it myself. We stay on track and are able to easily record all HR-related tasks". Eva Izeboud, HR Manager - Stucomm

Make better decisions by using automatically generated reports

With HoorayHR you can easily manage all your HR processes. This creates valuable data sets. Through simple reports we give you insight into the development of your business!


Try HR analytics for free

hr analytics

All data at your fingertips!


Choose from the extensive reporting options within HR analytics! From work locations to absenteeism, from leave to time sheets! All your HR analytics at your fingertips!

  • Leave reports
  • Sick leave reports
  • Homeworking reports (reimbursement for homeworking expenses)
  • Office occupancy reports (travel allowance)

Try HoorayHR for free and learn from your data >

hr analytics

Easy to put together by yourself!


Create overviews easily by yourself. For a team, based on a certain time frame, whatever you want!

  • Filter reports on time frames
  • Filter reports on employees, teams and the company
hr analytics

HR analytics for improved decision making

Greater insights through data

Gain insights on your teams and employees. Hooray allows you to grow, because knowledge is power.

  • Always have an overview of absenteeism percentages
  • Know who’s worked from home and who’s been at the office
  • Signal a backlog of unused leave days early on

Discover the strength of HoorayHR

Discover the strength of HoorayHRWatch demo

Frequently asked questions
about HR analytics

HoorayHR is the all-in-one HR tool for SMEs. With HR analytics we cater to entrepreneurs and HR managers so they get insight in their organisation. Together we build towards a great place to work. Can’t find your answer below? Please contact our support team.

How much is HoorayHR?

HoorayHR is an all-in-one HR tool. HR analytics is part of a complete solution. We charge a €5,00 fee per user per month and you can cancel any time.

Do you charge implementation costs?

No, HoorayHR does not charge for implementation. Moreover, we’ll assist you in onboarding all your employees free of charge.

Do you have an HR app for my employees?

Yes, next to HR analytics and all other kinds of nifty HR features for the employer, HoorayHR also offers a useful HR app for employees.

I can't make the HR report I want, could you assist me?

We’d like to be of assistance and hear from you about your exact needs. You can easily compile reports in HoorayHR. Please schedule a demo appointment so we can see what we can do for you.

Is it possible to export the data to Excel?

Sure! All HR reports and management overviews can be exported to Excel.

Schedule a personal demo

Testing out new software can be time-consuming. In order to provide better support and save you some valuable time, we’re offering you to schedule a personal appointment with us free of charge. You’ll know after 30 minutes whether HoorayHR is the right solutions to your HR-related challenges.

View our agenda and schedule an appointment directly!

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